# Vitor Sousa # 20.01.2020 ----------------- # This script will use the script runFsc.sh to call several runs of fastsimcoal. # REQUIREMENTS: # - fsc26 : fastsimcoal2 executable # - SFS.obs : observed SFS # - model*.tpl : TPL file for a model (or many models) # - model*.est : EST file for a model (or many models) # You need to modify runFsc.sh to adjust the fastsimcoal2 settings. # You will need to specify the following fastsimcoal2 options: # -n option, maxNumSims=1000 # -L option, maxNumLoopsInBrentOptimization=10 # -C option, minValidSFSEntry=1 # -c option (Number of cores), numCores=1 #--Derived allele frequency sprectrum or Minor allele frequency spectrum? # For minor allele frequency spectrum use "-m", # For derived allele frequency spectrum use "-d" #-- Monomorphic sites? #useMonoSites="" #Uncomment this line to use monomorphic sites #useMonoSites="-0" #Uncomment this line NOT to use monomorphic sites #--multiSFS? #multiSFS="" # Uncomment this line and comment next if you do not use the --multiSFS option # multiSFS="--multiSFS" #--multiSFS # Once you change these settings, you can analyse your data with # different models, all using the same settings. # Make fastsimcoal2 and scripts (ending in *.sh) executable chmod +x fsc26 chmod +x *.sh # runFsc.sh requires the following arguments: # - poptag: tag of the populations analysed # - tplEstTag: tag of the model, i.e. tag of the EST and TPL file # NOTE: the resulting folders and file will be named tplEstTag # - obsSFSfileTag: tag of the name of the file with the observed SFS # This can be anything, it does not need to be in the name format required by fastsimcoal2) # NOTE: if you have multiple pairwise 2D SFS files, they are required to have 1_0, 2_0, 2_1, etc. indicating the pairwise comparison # - obsFileEnding: tag for the ending of the SFS file according to fastsimcoal2 requirements: # "DSFS.obs" for multiSFS derived allele # "MSFS.obs" for multiSFS MAF # "jointDAFpop1_0.obs" for 2D derived allele # "jointMAFpop1_0.obs" for 2D MAF # "DAFpop0.obs" for 1D derived allele # "MAFpop0.obs" for 1D MAF ./runFsc.sh NCS mig_S2B 1000bp_dist2_ind3_4_5_MAF_nomon_DSFS.obs MSFS.obs