Arlequin website Author: David Roessli Date: 2003-01-16 //////////////////// // Introduction The Arlequin website was first developed back in 1996. It was coded in PHP 3, and run under Apache 1.x on a Windows NT 4 Server. The solution an happily until we migrated to Linux, Apache 1.3 and PHP 4. The current set of files have the .php, and the absolute paths have been amended to reflect their current filesystem. //////////////////// // Installation 1. Create the online MySQL database with the dump file located in /sql. you can either use the SQL statements (.sql) or the XML version depending on your admin tools. 2. Copy the website to your web server. 3. Edit the following file to reflect your settings: - incl/arl-globals.incl.php 4. Check the following functions: - getinfo (incl/arl-lib.incl.php) - getbin (incl/arl-lib.incl.php) They are used to list the software doc and binairies. Part of the code is hardware depended (especially on Windows). The current code should work okay under any flavour of Unix. //////////////////// // be kind All this was coded a long time ago. Be kind. I certainly wouldn't do it like this today. But this solution has worked since May 1996, and is still running. -- dcr 20031016150000