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Arlequin ver

(released on 02.08.2015)

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Contains WinArl35.exe, arlecore64.exe,  R graphic functions, XML stylescheet, and example files.
Contains 32 and 64 bit versions of arlecore, as well as a bash script to automatically analyse all arlequin project files present in a given directory. Read the arlecore readme file before using it.
Contains 32 and 64 bit versions of arlsumstat.exe to compute summary statistics from arlequin projects, a summary statistics definition file, and a bash script to launch it in a Linux environment (you need to install cygwin under windows) . Read the arlsumstat readme file before using it.
Contains examples of arlequin projects.
Example of the usage of arlsumstat to calculate summary statistics from  arlequin projects generated by simcoal3. The bash script will call simcoal3 to simulate a sample drawn from a  stationary population and studied at 10 microsatellite loci. Simulated samples will be then analyzed with arlsumstat and output written to a new file.
If you plan to use arlecore or arlsumstat under windows, you will need to dowload cygwin or msys to be able to run Linux bash script under windows. Note that bash scripts are run under windows with cygwin or msys installed by calling the bash command (e.g. bash
Here is also a link on the R-statistical package to download R if you want to be able to generate graphics from Arlequin XML output files.

Contains 64-bit Linux version of arlecore, the console version of arlequin, as well as a bash script to automatically analyse all arlequin project files present in a given directory, plus example files. Read the arlecore readme file file before using it. Contains 64-bit Linux version of arlsumstat to compute summary statistics from arlequin projects, a summary statistics definition file, and a bash script to launch it in a Linux environment. Read the arlsumstat readme file before using it.
Example Contains examples of arlequin projects.
Here is also a link on the R-statistical package to download R if you want to be able to generate graphics from Arlequin XML output files.

Mac OS X
Contains 64-bit Mac OS X version of arlecore, the console version of arlequin, as well as a bash script to automatically analyse all arlequin project files present in a given directory. Read the arlecore readme file file before using it. Contains 64-bit Mac OS X version of arlsumstat to compute summary statistics from arlequin projects, a summary statistics definition file, and a bash script to launch it in a Linux environment. Read the arlsumstat readme file before using it.
Example Contains examples of arlequin projects. 
Here is also a link on the R-statistical package to download R if you want to be able to generate graphics from Arlequin XML output files.

Manuals and readme files

Contains the latest Arlequin manual (ver 3.5) describing all new routines and graphical outputs
Contains a readme file describing the use of arlecore, the console version of Arlequin. This topic is not covered in the Arlequin manual.
Contains a readme file describing the use of arlsumstat, a specific console version of Arlequin producing summary statistics into a single output file. This topic is not covered in the Arlequin manual.

R functions
New R functions for R package ver 3.01. The zip file contains a directory called Rfunctions, which needs to replace the Rfunctions directory located in your Arlequin home directory.

Bash scripts
Bash script to automatically analyse with arlecore all the arlequin projects  located in a given directory. Read the arlecore readme file file before using it. Note this script can also be used under windows if you have installed cygwin or msys : Just call it by the command "bash" Bash script to automatically analyse with arlsumstat all the arlequin projects located in a given directory. Read the arlsumstat readme file before using it. Note this script can also be used under windows if you have installed  cygwin or msys : Just call it by the command "bash"

Last edit:  10.04.2015 by Laurent Excoffier